The Scorpion Moon promised to stir the pot of unresolved deep emotions, and boy, oh boy, she definitely has done that! My pot is heating up and about to bubble over, and here is why...
The intense energy has awakened an old belief, one of not being safe, but specifically, not having financial security around my work and business, Soultree Evolution. To anyone looking from the outside this sounds ridiculous, but to me, it’s a real fear that I have worked extremely hard to transcend and dissolve, but as I’ve been shown, there are still bits holding on as a last attempt to sabotage my life and my soul-purpose.
Why would I share my deepest fears with you, I hear you asking?
I’m sharing because it’s important to me to be 100% transparent, not only in my personal journey, but also my work. Being authentic is what I want to BE, always — It’s the only frequency that keeps my soul fully connected to the Universe and the truth it holds. This frequency isn’t a secret or something I hide from the world, and it’s available to all in abundance, if you are open to allowing it in.
If you think about it, its easy to show you the days full of light, but it can be difficult to show up in your most vulnerable self, in your nakedness. On days like this, it may feel easier to stay in bed and close yourself off from the outside world. HOWEVER — This will not allow you to grow and move through to where it is your soul is guiding you and your light to shine.
So how can we remove these obstacles?
I’m so glad you asked! One way that I love to do this, is by creating a ceremonial Banishing Ritual. I find performing rituals with loving intent is a powerful way to remove non-physical influences ranging from spirits to negative influences.
Firstly, I begin with creating a sacred space, and for me, this always includes an altar with the following:
Altar cloth
Sacred Items (Special items that represent you or are valuable to you).
Fresh flowers/herbs
Statues (Goddess, Deities etc.)
Crystals - Let your intuition guide you here.
1 x Goddess Ritual Candle or 1 ‘Queen’ Intention Setting Candle - choosing the color by its magical properties.
After setting up Altar, it’s important to sit and be present. Allow yourself time to connect and meditate, while holding the intention candle close to your heart. Feel yourself going deeply within and entering your inner wisdom. Feeling into your intention and breathing this into your candle is an important step, as this is a vital part of the ritual and the healing outcome. Once you have infused your intention, call in your guides, angels, ancestors and anyone else that you feel resonates with your heart.
You may like to use a prayer to begin the ceremony, see below:
Prayer - As you light the candle repeat the following three times. allow the candle to burn out completely.
"In the name of the light, who is the lord of the universe. May the light and energy of this candle remove all fear, negativity and doubt and transmute to a powerful Healing force. May this candle attract healing, positive energy. For the highest good of all and for the good of the universe, so be it, so be it, so be it."
And just like that, the banishment is complete!
Love and Moonbeams of light
Mari xx
Pictured are the beautiful ‘Queens’ that are created to hold the light when doing deep inner work. They are perfect for setting intentions, spell-work and healing.
Color & Magical Properties:
Black Protection against Negative Energy, Banishing, Separation, Breakup, Protection against Evil Spirits, Black Magic See more >>