For us here at SoulTree Evolution, using biodegradable wax and packaging with minimal plastic, and up-cycling is so very important and in-line with our soul mission, to leave this planet in better shape when we leave it — A heart print, not a carbon footprint. Our eco-friendly efforts will never relax, and we will continue to look for ways to improve our existing business practices to ones better for the environment. This is our pledge to you, our customers, and to our planet Earth.
As a reminder, your boxes, packing material, envelopes and invoices can all be recycled once you are done with them.
Every little bit helps our beautiful Mother Earth!
With Love and Gratitude,
Mari Creator of Soultree Evolution
Some ways we at Soultree evolution ARE helping the planet
Candle Wax Our candles are created using 100% natural, renewable, non-toxic and biodegradable candle wax. Making it perfect for ritual use — allowing you to bury your wax remnants into the earth to anchor your spell work in a earth-friendly ♻️ way! If you aren’t using your candle for spell work, you can recycle the left-over pieces of wax in your oil burner to enhance or improve the fragrance of your home. Our candle glass jars are also safe for recycling – but where possible, please up-cycle and re-purpose.
Satchels | Mailers We are excited to be collaborating with the Australian owned company, HERO Packaging who specialise in mailers (500g - A4) that are not just only 100% home compostable, but also made from such materials that if they ended up in landfill, they would still break down with no waste. By using these HERO mailers we stopping another plastic bag from harming our planet. These awesome bags are made from biodegradable materials, mainly corn starch and cassava roots.
How do we compost them? Ideally, these should be sent to composting facilities to be properly broken down and composted. To compost them at home, it’s best to cut them up and place in your compost bin (as “brown” materials). These will completely break down within 90 days in a compostable environment.
Packing Pellets Not only are they a eco-friendly, non-toxic product made from wheat — but they are really easy packaging to dispose. Just empty the packing pellets into your bath or shower and pour some water over the top. In a hour or so, your packing pellets will have dissolved completely. And beautiful the packing pellets are biodegradable, you can even add them to you compost!
White Shoe Boxes These cardboard boxes are up-cycled and great for storing away your candles, or anything you choose. They can also be broken down and put into your council recycling bin when no longer in use
Reusing Bubble Wrap We only use bubble wrap we receive through inventory shipments to pad our orders to our customers. We highly recommend to all our customers to recycle and reuse when needed in the future.
Tissue Paper We only use 100% acid free recycled paper. These can be reused to wrap gifts, or can be placed into your council issued recycle bin, this way it can be recreated into a new paper product.
Shredded Newspaper We only use recycled newspaper for our packing. They are great for use in composting, or soak in water and use in garden to retain moisture for your garden. For anyone who doesn't have a garden, you can just pop them into your council issued recycle bin.