Why do you Create? The voice of my soul is sung through my creativity. It allows my own expression to be spoken, written and experienced fully.
How do you Love? Through my heart. The filter to all things in my life are first breathed through my heart. I express love in life through the ability to be present. This is with the tasks I do in a day as well as holding space for the people I love.
To love myself is being kind to myself.
Past pressures have been released and in place a ‘go with the flow’ way of working intuitively with the universe. This has allowed more presence and love into my life.
What Inspires you? Nature and Trees have been a huge influence and inspiration to me in my life.
Over four years ago I ran as old past pain and hurts crashed through my life. I packed a bag and found myself sitting at the far north tip in Mauritius in a thousand-year-old banyan tree. Holding a beautiful love filled space I was encouraged to dig deeper into old wounds and learn forgiveness, trust and love.
Channelled teachings flowed through me and onto the page sitting at the heart centre of the beautiful banyan tree. Something had stirred within. I had discovered that a new language through my heart connection to great trees gifted me their wisdom, lessons and always a gift.
This has taken me on a journey that I have only shared part of till now.
I have sat at the base of a hundred year old Oak at our rural property and her story with mine tells a tale of magic, truth and boundaries. At the start of the year I traveled to Senegal Africa with a group of other women with The Hunger Project (I donate proceeds on my products to charity through togthertowardsolutions.com). The Baobab tree there had been calling to me. On her large leg root I sat and received a download of information that bought up old insecurities to be altered into a new way of being connected to others. Recently I traveled to Maui Hawaii where I was blessed with the ‘Joy’ of Rainbow Gum. There was a choice and I chose to allow the release of all past pain and hurts. Rainbow helped me do this and my life has been permanently infused with a feeling of joy.
I would have to say that the great teachings and love of trees have inspired my life.
Tell us something no one knows about you? I am actually very shy. I have learned to be brave and show confidence but this is often a mask for my own inner timid girl.
Exciting Announcement to add: As well as my Banyan Tree Wisdom series of books, cards and oils I am releasing this year in October a very special series called ‘Earth Giant Tree Gift Series’. The beautiful gifts of Banyan, Oak, Baobab and Rainbow gum will be available through books, audio and alchemy oils.
When a tree shares their wisdom I know that it is never just for me.
www.treevoice.global has been set up to capture the magic of my passions working with the trees. I invite you to join my community if you would like to receive updates and invites to launches, events, special offers and the occasional blog.
Bowen Therapist, Reiki and Seichem Master, Clinical Hypnotherapist using NLP methods, Journey Worker and Intuitive Healer.
I personally met the beautiful Mari at a Mind Body Spirit festival in Melbourne a few years ago. Our connection was instant. A true warrior for bringing special magical moments to everyone. We both have a united goal of making this world a happier, loved filled place to share.