Credit Photo: Karina Benbow from k a r d e s | Photography & graphic design
Every month we invite a guest speaker to share where their magick lives...
Why do you Create? This is a great question, but to understand why, I first need to tell you 'the how'. I create from my connection to what I call, The Divine Source. I can only create when I am in this space of being fully present and authentic in my pure heart. What that looks like keeps changing, but the constant pull (feeling) is LOVE. My work is and will always be driven by pure intention. Everything I create has my belief in you, the 'you' I remember....
Oh did I mention, my special gift? My gift is, that I remember. Remember what? Not what, but where? A place I like to call home, where only light exists. A light that connects us as ONE.
How do you Love? I guess for me it's like asking how do I breathe? I just do, but I understand that Love can be seen, felt or given differently. There was a time I loved too much and at the same time, not enough. Too much of anything given to one thing is not only unsustainable and setting us up for failure, but it's not living in a balanced way. The Universe is all about balance. It was only when the words ' In the name of Love' came into my awareness through meditation, could I look at it from another prospective (My third eye, overview). What was I doing that wasn't aligned with my higher- self, in the name of love? What sacrifices to my-self was I doing, in the name of love? What dreams wasn't I living, in the name of love? Was the heartache and pain worth it, in the name of love? The answer for me was NO, For me, real love is unconditional and has no barriers or restrictions. This question isn't an easy one to answer, because we will all have our own take on what love looks and feels like, but I feel we can all agree on one thing -- Love is where our heart is!
What Inspires you? Okay, where do I start? The simple things are where I draw my inspiration...... opening my eyes first thing in the morning to another amazing day, watching the Sun rise as the Moon descends, smelling the freshly grounded coffee beans at one of my favorite local coffee hang-outs. I feel if I am willing to listen and stay present, inspiration is all around, and for this I am grateful everyday.
What If you could share some insight with your future Self, what would it be? You are beautiful-- believe, trust and have faith that all is well.
Tell us something no one knows about you? When I was 18, I used the pick-up line ' Can I buy you a drink?' to my future husband at a night club.