With every magickal healing tool I create, I infuse all of my heart, wisdom, and inner-knowing. One of the most important self-love rituals I perform is one I like to call ‘The Handover’. When I pack a parcel for their forever home, its this simple ritual that makes me feel I can step away from the healing journey with trust in my heart, this is my ceremonial handover to the new guardian.
How? With pure intent, I create a beautiful posy of rosemary and sacred flowers from my garden (pictured). As I do this, I call back my own energy in a conscious disconnection, a cutting of ties — not from the love, but from the need not to take on anyone else's energy or for someone else to take on mine. I like to always acknowledge that we are all on our own individual journey — with love and respect, not to fix or merge with one another. Energy is sacred, be wise and mindful not to give yours away or to take it from another. Always in Love Mari xx |
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