Here is a Quick Ritual to draw money into your life:
This is a great spell for beginners, as it can have immediate and surprising results – even if it doesn’t impact your life in a major way.
Stay relaxed and open to the possibility of money coming in from unexpected sources and enjoy the magick!
You will need:
• 1 Green Ritual | Spell Candle
• 1 coin big enough to set the candle on
• Crystal point, athame, or other ritual carving tool
Carve a dollar sign, or the sign of your own currency, into the candle. Hold it in your hands for a few moments & repeat these (or your own) words three times:
“As like attracts like, this money brings more”.
Light the candle and allow it to burn down to the coin.
Carry the coin with you in your purse, wallet, or the pocket of some item of clothing that you wear daily.
Always in Love, Mari xx