One of the most important ritual I do is space cleansing -- where you remove the energy debris that has built up over time or if you had a negative event happen recently or a lot of sadness or fear. It's so important cleanse my space immediately! Once I perform the cleansing ritual, the energy of the space lifts, brightens, and circulates freely.
The energy debris can be a result of negative emotions, thoughts, occurrences, and stress that you have experienced in your space. Your house is like a sponge. Whatever transpires in your environment is absorbed into the walls, furniture, carpet, ceiling, and objects. Frequently, these negative energies accumulate in the corners and tucked away places.
When Should You Space Cleanse?
The following situations are appropriate times to space cleanse:
- After you remove clutter
- After an argument
- When you move into a new space
- When a roommate or companion moves out
- After a divorce or break-up
- After an illness or death
- When you buy an antique or second-hand item
- Anytime you desire fresh energy for a new project or beginning
This Smudging Ritual Kit includes:
- 1 Clearing and Cleansing Wand
- 1 Protection Spell Candle (small)
- 1 Cleansing & Clearing Spell Candle (small)
- 1 Sacred God*dess Blessing Waters Spray (50ml)
- 1 Skull bottle of Cascarilla Powder
- 1 Soultree Evolution Wax Sealed Stamped Satin Pouch
+ Instructions
White Sage: The use of sage is for healing, longevity, psychic awareness and protection. The smoke is used to bless, cleanse and heal the person or object being smudged. Sage is used to 'wash off' the outside world when one enters ceremony or other sacred space. Objects are likewise washed off with sage medicine smoke to rid them of unwanted influences.
Wormwood :Wormwood is a powerful protective plant. Our Neolithic ancestors used Wormwood and Mugwort as their primary sacred herbs for smudging and cleansing. Wormwood clears the psychic channels and can be used for astral travel and channelling.
Rose: Abundance, Beauty, Clearing and Blessings, Dreams, Emotional Healing, Friendship, Protection, Purification, Romantic Love, Secrecy, Self-Love, Spirituality
Selenite: Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. Selenite is a crystallized form of Gypsum, which is used for good luck and protection. The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of
These beauties measure approx. 6 inches in length and bound in natural cotton twine for extra strength, while still holding Mother Earth’s energy.
About Cascarilla Powder
Cascarilla (pronounced: ka-ska-ree-ya) powder comes from the Hoodoo tradition and the main and only ingredient is powdered eggshell, yes as simple as it sounds, it is a miraculous dust with outstanding performance when it comes to protection and cleansing.
How to protect yourself & your home:
- For personal protection, use the following ritual: For 7 mornings (or longer as needed) place some powder in your hands and powder your head from the face to the back of your head.
- Carry Cascarilla powder in a vial and carry it with you for protection.
- Take a pinch of Cascarilla powder. Ask the Divine/Spirit/ God(s) & Goddess(es) to bless this house with their radiant light, to bring peace and blessings to everyone who enjoys this roof. Blow the powder in the air. Repeat in all rooms.