June Solstice: Longest and Shortest Day of the Year
The June solstice is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice the Southern Hemisphere. For those of us living in the Southern Hemisphere, winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year, when the sun is at its lowest arc in the sky. The word solstice is derived from the Latin word solstitium—sol meaning sun and –stitium meaning stoppage. Solstice can be a magical, contemplative time—a night of spiritual re-connection and ritual.
Where ever you are on Earth, the Summer/Winter Solstice represents an opportunity to celebrate your LIGHT. It's a time of inner reflection, turning the Sun within, our solar selves. A time to gain strength from our inner-knowing, and get ready to embark on a new journey as our daylight begins to become longer beyond this point, as the Earth continues to orbit, the Southern Hemisphere getting closer to the Sun each day as it approaches the December summer solstice.
Winter solstice 2018 in Southern Hemisphere will be at 8:07 pm on Thursday, 21 June, in Eastern Australia Time.
Celebrations: Festivals, spending time with loved ones, feasting, singing, dancing, fires
Significance: Astronomically marks the beginning of shortening nights and lengthening days
Also called: Midwinter, Yule, the Longest Night, Jól
Are you looking for a Winter Solstice Ritual or Celebration? Visit Mystic Mamma's website here for some great ideas.